Monday, February 14, 2011

Love is in the air...

It’s your first vacation together you are out for a walk down the beach.  He bends down to pick up a shell and holds it out for you to see.  As you realize that he is holding a ring, he drops down on his knee….
Strolling through a local art gallery during an evening out, you pause in front of a framed sketch.  The curious piece simply says “Will you marry me?”  You turn to him, your heart skips a beat, and he gives you his charming smile…
Its Christmas morning and you are opening presents, the present you think “sounds” like a ring box turns out to be something entirely different.  You open your next present which is clearly a box of golf romantic.  Then your mind registers that instead of golf balls, there is a little box inside.  He moves closer to you and slides down on his knees…
Over 200,000 couples will get engaged today and whether your fiancé opts for a traditional proposal or a unique proposal, remember, he did it for love.  Best wishes to all of you, and happy planning.   

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